Getting Your Members’ Auto Loans

Best Rate

At small credit unions, with small memberships, getting every single car loan is the goal.  You want your members to be loyal, so be loyal to them.  Make sure your best members know that you’ll give them the very best car loan no matter what. The big credit unions are matching your rates so “beat” theirs.  Be known for making sure your member gets the best deal.

Dealer Financing

This is nearly an impossible game for small to medium sized credit unions.  The dealer is going to sell theirauto_loan_decspec loans to the highest bidder.  Getting them to send you your members’ loans is not an easy task.  You have to have a very competitive rate and be willing to pay the auto dealership a competitive flat (commission) for selling you back you members’ loans.  If you have a good enough relationship with your local dealer you may be successful getting some of your loans back and you should consider the flats as the dealer’s pay for putting the loan together for you.  The cynic in me says if the dealer is sending you more than your own members’ loans you may be paying too much…or your rate might be too good.  It’ll be difficult to win at this game.

Cash Back

There are many credit unions that don’t participate in dealer financing.  Most have experienced a large drop main-slide-1off of New Car Loans.  A few Credit Unions pay their members for taking the extra time to bring the credit union the loan.  This has been successful at some credit unions but it takes time to catch on and gain momentum.

Members are generally better off working with their friends at their local or company credit union.  Credit Unions are generally easier to work with when times get tough or if they need to skip a payment.

Best Rate and Cash Back

Offering your member a competitive rate and then pay them the commission, a credit union would main-consumer-loanhave paid the auto dealer is a win-win for the credit union and the member.  The Auto Dealer loses…and will not be happy.  Sorry Auto Dealer. Of course, they are going to do everything in their power to make sure this doesn’t happen.  Seems fair to win a few.

There are a number of ways to win at the Auto Loan game.  Hopefully, you’ll find what works for your institution.